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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "C"

Zimbabwe Players Start with C

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. CT Mumba Carl Tapfuma Mumba 2016
2. C Zhuwao Cephas Zhuwao 2008
3. CJ Chibhabha Chamunorwa Justice Chibhabha 2005
4. CK Coventry Charles Kevin Coventry 2003
5. C Kunje Charles Kunje
6. ACI Lock Alan Charles Ingram Lock 1995
7. CK Tshuma Charlton Kirsh Tshuma 2020
8. CB Mpofu Christopher Bobby Mpofu 2004
9. C Madande Clive Madande 2022
10. CR Ervine Craig Richard Ervine 2010
11. CN Evans Craig Neil Evans 1992
12. CB Wishart Craig Brian Wishart 1995
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