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Find the information about cricket players profiles of $mainCountryName starting with alphabet "B"

Zimbabwe Players Start with B

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. MA Meman Mohammed Ahmed Meman 1987
2. BG Rogers Barney Guy Rogers 2002
3. BJ Curran Benjamin Jack Curran 2024
4. NB Mahwire Ngonidzashe Blessing Mahwire 2002
5. B Muzarabani Blessing Muzarabani 2018
6. B Mujuru Bornaparte Mujuru
7. B Evans Brad Evans 2022
8. B Mavuta Brandon Anesu Mavuta 2018
9. BRM Taylor Brendan Ross Murray Taylor 2004
10. BJ Bennett Brian John Bennett 2023
11. BB Chari Brian Bara Chari 2014
12. BS Mudzinganyama Brian Simbarashe Mudzinganyama 2020
13. BA Murphy Brian Andrew Murphy 2000
14. BV Vitori Brian Vitalis Vitori 2011
15. BT Watambwa Brighton Tonderai Watambwa 2001
16. BC Strang Bryan Colin Strang 1995
Scores Upcoming Results
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